The Labyrinth
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
~ Proverbs 3:5-6
"And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a well-watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters fail not."
~Isaiah 58:11
This past weekend was the Church at the Hub's retreat on Bowen Island. It was a fantastic weekend, with lots of prayer, Scripture, reflection, quiet, laughter, and amazing food.
One of the highlights of the weekend was the session where Jamie taught us about the spiritual practice of walking the labyrinth, and then we all trooped down to the outdoor labyrinth to experience it for ourselves (see picture below).
For those unfamiliar with the practice, when you hear the word "labyrinth" you may think of either the giant confusing maze-prison from Greek mythology that held the Minotaur, or the hedge maze you might find in an English garden.
The labyrinth as a spiritual discipline is neither of these. There is only one path to walk in and out, and there are no dead ends. If you follow the path you will walk the entire labyrinth to the centre and out again. The purpose is to walk slowly and meditatively while reflecting on God and praying.
For example, Jamie taught us how a person could use the journey in to practice confession, and the journey out to put on the character of Christ. Or the journey in to unload burdens to God and the journey out to receive God's blessings. Or simply pray a one or two line prayer over and over again.
However, as you can tell from the picture below, our labyrinth was slightly overgrown. There was some grass coming up between the worn stone steps, making it at times difficult to see where the path did a 180 degree turn or kept going straight.
When we sat down to debrief our experience, some of the comments were:
"I stepped off the path somehow and ended up where I started."
"If I looked at the steps right before me I was fine, but if I looked too far ahead I got confused and lost."
"I thought I made a mistake, but someone reassured me that I was on the right path and going the right way."
"There were moments I followed the path and it looked like I was walking away from where I wanted to go, but it led me to the right place."
"I thought I had to search for the right path, but all along I was on the right path."
You can see how this practice relates so powerfully to our life with God. If we step off the path he lays before us we can get lost in the weeds and end up back where we started. We want the 5-year map, but God often gives us the next step only. There are times it feels like we are going nowhere or even backward, but if we trust the path it leads us to God's preferred future for us.
All that said, it's one thing to walk a path with visual stone steps like the labyrinth (although even that was sketchy at times). It's something completely different to discern and walk God's path for us. There are no visual markers.
This is where Scripture, prayer, and wise people can help us. There are some steps that Scripture clearly lays out. I know from Scripture I am called to walk a path of love and kindness, so I know that the unloving action I'm tempted to take, or the online vitriol I'm tempted to spew are not the right path.
Some steps, however, are not character or moral issues, but something we need to discern. Do I take this job or not, do I give my time to this or to that? Prayer plays a big part in these decisions, and not only a set-aside time for prayer, but also the listening to the Spirit in the moment.
Finally, wise guidance can help us discern and walk the path. For example, our decision to move to Vancouver Island came only after we had talked to and sought the prayers of about a dozen people over the span of five months. We needed their input to help us both discern where the path was going and also have the courage to take the first few steps.
Where is God's path leading you? Do you know your next step(s), or are you wandering a bit aimlessly hoping to end up somewhere good?
Also, what future are you looking toward - your preferred future or God's preferred future?
If your heart is set on listening to and obeying Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit, moment by moment, day by day, you can trust God will guide you. At times it may feel aimless, or even backward, but for those who seek God's preferred future and are doing their best to follow God's guidance, you will end up in the right place. That's his promise to you.
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you."
~ Psalm 32:8
It may feel confusing, scary, or clear, but the path is a good one. It may look like it's going around in circles, but the path is a good one. You may not see beyond the next step, but the path is a good one. Your job is not to know the end. Your job is to take the next step, and God has given you tools to help: His Word, His Spirit, and His people.
Perhaps you can access one of those tools today to help you toward his good future for you.