Your neighbourhood, the perfect crucible
How do you think your neighbours perceive you?
Have you noticed that when we don't know someone's name, we often think of them or refer to them by some memorable feature or quality. In our neighbourhood, we have "the cat lady," "the smiling man," and "the Finn-hater" (referring to a dog who always barks at Finnegan but is usually friendly to other dogs).
For me, many know me as "the guy with the beard." In fact, one of our neighbours wrote a letter to us about a misplaced Amazon order, but didn't know my name. The letter began with: "Oh great bearded one..." Jamie has joked that if I went back to being clean shaven, nobody would recognize me anymore.
I guess it makes sense to be known by that physical feature.
But what if, rather than a physical feature, people referred to us by a character feature. How would our neighbours designate us? "Oh, that's the kind lady... the mean lady... the patient man... the angry man... the happy person... the generous person... the yeller... the aggressive person... the encourager..."
Think about that for a moment, and be honest.
A person's true character is not based on a few isolated incidents. It is the sum total of our thoughts, attitudes, actions, desires, and intentions. For example, King David was a man of character, even though he was far from perfect. Similarly, even though King Ahab made the occasional good choice, he was far from being a good man.
So again I ask, "What character feature designates us?"
Since you are all set apart by God, made holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with a holy way of life: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Put up with one another. Forgive. Pardon any offenses against one another, as the Lord has pardoned you, because you should act in kind. But above all these, put on love! Love is the perfect tie to bind these together. Let your hearts fall under the rule of the Anointed’s peace... and be thankful.
~ Paul's letter to the Colossians, 3:12-15
PAUSE and REFLECT: How do your neighbour's know you? How do you want to be known by your neighbours? Are you currently living the life and interacting with people in a way that highlights that godly character trait?
Maybe an even more piercing question would be: "Is the character you display to your neighbour an act (the isolated incident) or your true self (your actual character)?"
I invite you to take a few deep breaths and bring your awareness to God's loving presence with you and in you. Knowing that he deeply loves you, embolden yourself to trust his goodness, and tell him, "I need your transformation... What do you want me to do to live with your character this week?"
I know we often want a sudden transformational change to our character, but my experience is God rarely works that way. In my life, character transformation has often been gradual, with many slips along the way. That said, it can happen, so don't give up on yourself or your God. Keep moving forward to the best of your ability with God's grace and help.
Make godly character your intention and your desire, and your actions will eventually catch up to you!
Photo by Christian Vasile on Unsplash